健球 Kin-Ball

健球 Kin-Ball


比賽是三隊同場作賽的運動, 每隊有4名球員作賽  
- 每組會有他們的代表顏色 (一般是灰、黑及藍/粉紅)

- 進攻隊伍擊球時,4名隊員需同步接觸Kin-Ball

- 使用直徑1.22米尺寸的大球,需要多人同時控球。


Kin-Ball 健球介紹

健球 (Kin-Ball) 是1986年由加拿大魁北克體育教授馬里奧·德梅斯(Mario Demers)創立的團體運動,講求 「合作、尊重、包容」。


擁有球權是進攻隊伍,為了發揮作用,進攻隊伍將通過調出他們的顏色來指定一個防守球隊。該名稱必須從聲明“Omnikin +(顏色!”開始。 其次是另一支球隊的顏色。必須打最高分的那隊。在指定之後,球必須在臀部以上的身體部位被擊中就會計算在內,而進攻隊伍的所有其他成員以某種方式接觸球。如果防守隊伍成功抄到球,就成為進攻隊伍,若果防守失敗另外兩隊便可加分。


Invented in Quebec in 1987, KIN-BALL® sport is played with a ball of four feet (1,22 m) in diameter and that weighs 2 lbs (1 kg). The only organized cooperative sport in the world, this sport is played with three teams of four players on a surface no larger than 60′ per 60′ (20 m per 20 m).

The goal of the Kin-Ball game is simple; to catch and control the ball before it touches the ground. Points are given when a team commits a fault such as dropping the ball. This emerging sport is played in more than 30 countries. Beside the fun of playing, KIN-BALL® sport is known as an activity that helps integration of people with disabilities. Also, it is used in programs to fight childhood obesity and bullying in schools.


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