起源於挪威 流行於英國,澳洲
- 玩家身體被包裹在一個類似太空球的氣泡內,360 度的全面保護
- 享受無直接碰撞的足球球技切磋 ,更可以挑戰倒立
- 完全無需要擔心碰撞會做成受傷
- 加強心肺功能,有助鍛鍊下盆肌肉
- 過往已進行超過 100 場的推廣活動,經驗十足

Bubble Soccer
泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 是一種新興的體育運動,是一種刺激好玩的新遊戲型態,參加者把自己套進大氣球裡,身體會被包裹在一個類似太空球的氣泡內,同時需要穿着護具,因此,整場比賽每個人在場上連滾帶摔也不用擔心受傷。
泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 最早起源於挪威,這項運動現風靡歐洲、日本等地,它是由傳奇人物 Henrik Elvestad 和 Johan Golden 於 2000 年初在他們的電視節目 Golden Goal 中首次出現,這項挪威發明的運動自此廣為人知。最初只是一個玩笑,但很快在當地人和互聯網上流行開來,並傳遍了歐洲和美國。
泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 活動通常舉行於大型室內或室外場所。泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 和一般足球所遵循的目標和規則大致上一樣,(即團隊競爭,以將球踢進對方球門為目標),惟每人皆須穿着泡泡球。一般一場遊戲的時間為半小時至一小時,分成兩組進行三對三、四對四或五對五對賽。我們的團隊甚至會因應課程的需要以及活動的性質去度身訂造遊戲時間和方式。
2018 年 5 月,舉辦了首屆泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 世界杯,在倫敦舉行。參加世界杯的國家包括芬蘭、巴西、葡萄牙和西班牙,至今世界各地也舉辦了許多泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 比賽。
毫無疑問,泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 是一項革命性的運動,它在保持傳統足球比賽的刺激度的同時,亦讓比賽變得更加簡單,每個人都能享受到足球比賽的樂趣。泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 已引入香港多年,我們的團隊多年來曾受邀到多所中學及大專院校向學生介紹泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) ,讓他們體驗這款新遊戲。 我們也多次為不同的機構舉行泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 比賽作為機構團隊培訓的項目。
泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 最早起源於挪威,這項運動現風靡歐洲、日本等地,它是由傳奇人物 Henrik Elvestad 和 Johan Golden 於 2000 年初在他們的電視節目 Golden Goal 中首次出現,這項挪威發明的運動自此廣為人知。最初只是一個玩笑,但很快在當地人和互聯網上流行開來,並傳遍了歐洲和美國。
泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 活動通常舉行於大型室內或室外場所。泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 和一般足球所遵循的目標和規則大致上一樣,(即團隊競爭,以將球踢進對方球門為目標),惟每人皆須穿着泡泡球。一般一場遊戲的時間為半小時至一小時,分成兩組進行三對三、四對四或五對五對賽。我們的團隊甚至會因應課程的需要以及活動的性質去度身訂造遊戲時間和方式。
2018 年 5 月,舉辦了首屆泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 世界杯,在倫敦舉行。參加世界杯的國家包括芬蘭、巴西、葡萄牙和西班牙,至今世界各地也舉辦了許多泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 比賽。
毫無疑問,泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 是一項革命性的運動,它在保持傳統足球比賽的刺激度的同時,亦讓比賽變得更加簡單,每個人都能享受到足球比賽的樂趣。泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 已引入香港多年,我們的團隊多年來曾受邀到多所中學及大專院校向學生介紹泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) ,讓他們體驗這款新遊戲。 我們也多次為不同的機構舉行泡泡足球(Bubble Soccer) 比賽作為機構團隊培訓的項目。
Players of bubble soccer (泡泡足球) wear inflatable bubbles, so-called bumper balls, allowing colliding to steal the ball from the opponent without any harm. The “bubble” covers the player’s upper body and head.
It was first originated in Norway by the legendary Henrik Elvestad and Johan Golden making its debut on their Tv Show Golden Goal back in the early 2000’s. This Norwegian invention popularized by this TV show. The game started out as a joke but quickly gained popularity among locals and the internet, spreading throughout Europe and the United States.
Today, bubble soccer (泡泡足球) is largely popular as a refreshing accessory to stag parties and corporate team buildings. There are many variations and alternatives to the games played, including 1 vs 1, Bulldog, Last Man Standing, & Bubble Bowling. Bubble football involves two teams getting into body-sized inflatable bubbles and playing football by a modified set of rules: everything is permitted to get through the defenders, there are no faults and yellow cards. The bubbles make sure the players will not hurt themselves. Bubble soccer (泡泡足球) is a new fun sport that people of all ages can participate in. It is having hits among school and corporate team building. This is a safe and exciting new sport to have the ultimate fun. The venue for the game is very flexible, both indoor and outdoor is suitable for the game.
In May 2018, the first ever Bubble Soccer (泡泡足球) World Cup took place. It was held in Shoreditch, London. Nations who attended the world cup include Finland, Brazil, Portugal, and Spain. Nowadays, there are a number of bubble soccer (泡泡足球) competitions are held all over the world.
Undoubtedly, bubble soccer(泡泡足球)is a revolutionary sports which manages to keep the excitement of a football game while it makes the game much simpler for everyone to enjoy the game. Bubble soccer (泡泡足球) has been introduced in Hong Kong for years. Our team has been invited to many secondary schools to introduce Bubble Soccer (泡泡足球)to the students and let them experience this new game.
It was first originated in Norway by the legendary Henrik Elvestad and Johan Golden making its debut on their Tv Show Golden Goal back in the early 2000’s. This Norwegian invention popularized by this TV show. The game started out as a joke but quickly gained popularity among locals and the internet, spreading throughout Europe and the United States.
Today, bubble soccer (泡泡足球) is largely popular as a refreshing accessory to stag parties and corporate team buildings. There are many variations and alternatives to the games played, including 1 vs 1, Bulldog, Last Man Standing, & Bubble Bowling. Bubble football involves two teams getting into body-sized inflatable bubbles and playing football by a modified set of rules: everything is permitted to get through the defenders, there are no faults and yellow cards. The bubbles make sure the players will not hurt themselves. Bubble soccer (泡泡足球) is a new fun sport that people of all ages can participate in. It is having hits among school and corporate team building. This is a safe and exciting new sport to have the ultimate fun. The venue for the game is very flexible, both indoor and outdoor is suitable for the game.
In May 2018, the first ever Bubble Soccer (泡泡足球) World Cup took place. It was held in Shoreditch, London. Nations who attended the world cup include Finland, Brazil, Portugal, and Spain. Nowadays, there are a number of bubble soccer (泡泡足球) competitions are held all over the world.
Undoubtedly, bubble soccer(泡泡足球)is a revolutionary sports which manages to keep the excitement of a football game while it makes the game much simpler for everyone to enjoy the game. Bubble soccer (泡泡足球) has been introduced in Hong Kong for years. Our team has been invited to many secondary schools to introduce Bubble Soccer (泡泡足球)to the students and let them experience this new game.