起源於瑞典 流行於中國
結合羽毛球、棒球 及 網球 的創新運動
- 比賽速度較單打、雙打更慢,適合初接觸運動的人士
- 用桿踢足球,較少身體接觸,安全性高
- 桿身以纖維膠所造成,能做出彎曲效果,使球有一定的爆炸力
- 增加隊員間的互動,訓練團體合作精神
- 比賽速度緊湊,刺激感十足

旱地冰球(FLOORBALL)的特色是參與人群廣泛,是一項適合男女老少共同參加的活動。小至五六歲,長至七八十都可以參與到這項運動中,不僅如此,這項運動的最大特點是可男女混合比賽, 早些年就已經有男女混合賽了。
旱地冰球(FLOORBALL)主要分為街頭旱地冰球、草地旱地冰球以及沙灘旱地冰球, 甚至也發展了輪椅旱地冰球、泥地旱地冰球和水上旱地冰球。
Floorball (旱地冰球) in North America and the United Kingdom evolved from floor hockey, while in the Nordic countries, it was influenced by basketball and ice hockey. The world’s first national floorball league (SIBF) was established in Sweden in 1981. In 1983, the first official rulebook was published, and in 1985, the Swedish Floorball Federation (SFF) became a member of the Swedish National Sports Federation.
This sport is quite flexible and can be played almost anywhere, with the number of players and the size of the playing field being variable. Floorball is an exciting sport full of speed and passion. One of the reasons why Floorball is so popular is that it is extremely easy to get started with, requiring no specific skills to begin with, and the rules are simple and easy to follow. All you need is a pair of sports shoes, a stick, and a ball. The playing field is not restricted, and it can be played anywhere, whether indoors or outdoors, on sand, grass, or concrete.
Floorball is a sport that is widely accessible and suitable for people of all ages and genders. Children as young as five or six and adults as old as seventy or eighty can participate in this sport. Moreover, the biggest feature of this sport is that it allows mixed-gender matches, which have been in place for many years.
Floorball is mainly divided into street floorball, grass floorball, and beach floorball, and it has further developed into wheelchair floorball, mud floorball, and water floorball.
Each team can have a maximum of 20 players, with a maximum of six players allowed on the field during the game, including a goalkeeper. Alternatively, only six players from each team can be on the field at the same time. Substitutes are unlimited, and players can be replaced at any time. When a legal goal is scored, it is considered a valid score, and the ball should be contested from the center point.