起源於中國山西,由一位體育系教授發明, 於大中華區盛行。
結合羽毛球、棒球 及 網球 的創新運動  
- 太極是這項運動的核心

- 同時揉合了網球羽毛球的技術

- 有年輕人到長者都可以參與其中

- 可以個人或團體參與, 比賽形式類似體操運動









Rouliqiu, also known as “Soft Strength Ball,” is an emerging sport that has gained significant attention for its unique blend of physical and mental challenges. Combining elements of yoga, dance, and fitness training, Rouliqiu focuses on using a soft ball and fluid movements to enhance flexibility and coordination. Let’s delve into the game rules of Rouliqiu and the health and enjoyment it brings.

In Rouliqiu, players use a soft ball similar to a yoga or fitness ball. They perform a variety of fluid movements, including rotations, balances, stretches, and static poses. These movements aim to improve flexibility, coordination, and core muscle strength while promoting relaxation and enhancing body balance.

The gameplay of Rouliqiu is versatile and customizable to individual needs and interests. Players can choose different difficulty levels and styles of movement combinations based on their abilities and goals. This makes Rouliqiu suitable for participants of various ages and fitness levels, catering to both beginners and experienced athletes.

The allure of Rouliqiu lies not only in its physical benefits but also in its holistic approach to mind-body training. Through Rouliqiu practice, players can improve their body’s flexibility, strength, and coordination while cultivating focus and self-balancing abilities. The sport also aids in stress reduction, increases body awareness, and promotes overall harmony of the mind and body.

Furthermore, Rouliqiu has evolved into a global sports community. Competitions and showcases are held in many regions, attracting a growing number of participants and enthusiasts. Athletes can connect and build friendships with Rouliqiu enthusiasts from around the world through competitions and exchange events, fostering mutual growth and exploration of the sport’s unlimited possibilities.

Rouliqiu is an emerging sport that is making waves. Its unique combination of physical and mental challenges has captured the interest of many participants. Whether you are seeking a new sporting experience or aiming to improve flexibility and coordination, Rouliqiu offers a worthwhile choice.


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