源自德國, 又名sack toss、bean bag toss

- 在特定的距離兩端設置有洞斜板,參加者互相投擲布袋到對方的斜板

- 斜板的設計可以很多元化, 充滿藝術感


布袋球Cornhole 介紹

布袋球(Cornhole)應是從美國的投擲馬蹄鐵遊戲演變而來,在美國已算是一種頗為盛行的休閒運動,可兩人比賽,也可4人分兩組比賽, 布袋球(Cornhole)的遊戲方式是輪流將正方型布袋由下而上拋向8公尺外1塊長約120公分、寬約60公分的傾斜木板,若拋進板子上方1個圓洞內可得3分,拋上板子也可得1分,若對手拋在板子上的玉米袋被後拋者的玉米袋推進洞內,則算對手得3分,最先得到21分的即為贏家。由於玩起來不激烈,又能達到運動效果,標榜這是一種從2歲至92歲都可玩的全齡化休閒運動,目前已進入校園推廣。


Cornhole (布袋球)is a lawn game popular in North America in which players or teams take turns throwing fabric bean bags at a raised, angled board with a hole in its far end. The goal of the game is to score points by either landing a bag on the board (one point) or putting a bag through the hole (three points). The American Cornhole League (ACL) was founded in 2015

Cornhole (布袋球) matches are played with two sets of four bags (eight total), two boards and two, four, or eight players. There are four bags to a set. Each set of bags should be distinguishable from the other, usually by using different colors. The American Cornhole League’s rules call for double-seamed fabric bags measuring 6 by 6 inches (150 by 150 mm) and weighing 15.5 to 16.5 ounces (440 to 470 g).[8] Although bags used to be filled with preserved corn kernels (hence “cornhole(布袋球)”) or dried beans, bags are now usually filled with plastic resin or other materials that will maintain a consistent weight and shape over many throws without deforming.

A cornhole (布袋球)match is separated into innings (or frames). During each inning, each player or team will throw their designated four bags. The manner in which the bags are thrown depends on which format of cornhole (布袋球)is being played: singles (1 vs. 1), doubles (2 vs. 2), or crew (4 vs. 4).

In cornhole(布袋球), cancellation scoring is used. To score points, bags must be on the surface of the board or fall through the hole. To score three points, a bag may fall directly into the hole, slide into the hole after hitting the board, or be knocked into the hole by another bag. A bag remaining on the board scores one point. A bag partially on the board and partially on the ground (“dirt bag”) does not count and should be removed before the next throw.

Gameplay strategy varies by player and skill level. At the professional level, players can easily slide all four bags into the hole if no bag blocks the path. Defensive strategies are often employed to slow down gameplay or force opponents to make difficult decisions.


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