法式滾球 Pétanque Boules
法式滾球 Pétanque Boules

- 運動由金屬鋼球(滾球)及一顆小的木球進行
- 法式滾球比賽分為兩隊,人數可為一對一、二對二、三對三。
- 一般平地就可以進行比賽

法式滾球 Pétanque 介紹
法式滾球是滾球運動的一種,使用金屬鋼球及一顆小的木球進行。其中小木球稱為目標色球(Cochonnet或Jack),放置於目標圓圈區中央。當對手的鐵球接近目標色球時,球員擲出自己手中的球,如果可以比對手的球更接近目標色球,則得分。先達到獲勝分數者勝。 這個運動在1907年或1910年在法國南部普羅旺斯地方的拉西奥塔出現,隨後傳播到法國各地。
法式滾球的設備有比賽用滾球及目標色球(Jack),而通常一場比賽會有好幾個循環、單局、或是回合。一個單局要結束,包含幾個動作:首先目標色球被投擲,接續著兩隊接連投擲滾球。 在兩支隊伍都投擲了所有球之後,最靠近目標色球的球隊為單局優勝。獲勝隊伍在比另一隊所投擲出來,最接近目標色球的滾球以內,所有的滾球皆為得分球,也就表示,一支隊伍在一個單局裡,最多可以得到6分。 單局基本上沒有上限,直到其中一支隊伍累計分數達到13分,便成為最終優勝隊伍。如果兩隊最接近傑克的球距離相等,那麼將由投擲最後一個球的隊伍再次進行投擲。如果再次投擲後,情況依然相同,那麼兩隊將交互投擲,直到突破這個情況。如果單局結束時還維持這個情況,則在這個單局兩隊皆無得分。贏得單局勝利的隊伍,為下一單局的開始隊伍。開始隊伍的選手須在傑克附近放置投擲圈並拿起傑克,接著站在投擲圈中,扔出傑克開始下一單局。
Pétanque (法式滾球) is a sport that falls into the category of boules sports. In these sports, players or teams play their boules/balls towards a target ball.[1] In pétanque the objective is to score points by having boules closer to the target than the opponent after all boules have been thrown. This is achieved by throwing or rolling boules closer to the small target ball, officially called a jack,or by hitting the opponents’ boules away from the target, while standing inside a circle with both feet on the ground.
After the development of the all-metal boule, pétanque (法式滾球) spread rapidly from Provence to the rest of France, then to the rest of Europe, and then to Francophone colonies and countries around the globe. Today, many countries have their own national governing bodies. Pétanque (法式滾球) is played by two teams, each comprising one, two, or three players. In the singles and doubles games, each player plays with three metal boules. In triples, each player uses only two. The area where a game of pétanque (法式滾球) is played is called a terrain. A game can be played in an open area such as a public park, where the boundaries of the terrain are not marked, or more formally on a “marked terrain” where the terrain boundaries are marked (traditionally, by strings tightly strung between nails driven into the ground). In pétanque (法式滾球), players throw while standing in a circle (cercle). Traditionally, this was simply scratched in the dirt. From around 2005, red plastic “prefabricated” circles were introduced and are now widely used in formal games. A circle drawn on the ground must be 35–50 cm (14–20 in) in diameter, while a plastic circle must have an inside diameter of 50 cm (20 in).
Generally speaking, a player throws a boule with one of two objectives: To make the boule come to rest in a particular spot, usually as close as possible to the jack. This is called pointing. To make the boule directly hit an opponent’s boule with the aim of knocking it away from the jack. This is called shooting.
法式滾球的設備有比賽用滾球及目標色球(Jack),而通常一場比賽會有好幾個循環、單局、或是回合。一個單局要結束,包含幾個動作:首先目標色球被投擲,接續著兩隊接連投擲滾球。 在兩支隊伍都投擲了所有球之後,最靠近目標色球的球隊為單局優勝。獲勝隊伍在比另一隊所投擲出來,最接近目標色球的滾球以內,所有的滾球皆為得分球,也就表示,一支隊伍在一個單局裡,最多可以得到6分。 單局基本上沒有上限,直到其中一支隊伍累計分數達到13分,便成為最終優勝隊伍。如果兩隊最接近傑克的球距離相等,那麼將由投擲最後一個球的隊伍再次進行投擲。如果再次投擲後,情況依然相同,那麼兩隊將交互投擲,直到突破這個情況。如果單局結束時還維持這個情況,則在這個單局兩隊皆無得分。贏得單局勝利的隊伍,為下一單局的開始隊伍。開始隊伍的選手須在傑克附近放置投擲圈並拿起傑克,接著站在投擲圈中,扔出傑克開始下一單局。
Pétanque (法式滾球) is a sport that falls into the category of boules sports. In these sports, players or teams play their boules/balls towards a target ball.[1] In pétanque the objective is to score points by having boules closer to the target than the opponent after all boules have been thrown. This is achieved by throwing or rolling boules closer to the small target ball, officially called a jack,or by hitting the opponents’ boules away from the target, while standing inside a circle with both feet on the ground.
After the development of the all-metal boule, pétanque (法式滾球) spread rapidly from Provence to the rest of France, then to the rest of Europe, and then to Francophone colonies and countries around the globe. Today, many countries have their own national governing bodies. Pétanque (法式滾球) is played by two teams, each comprising one, two, or three players. In the singles and doubles games, each player plays with three metal boules. In triples, each player uses only two. The area where a game of pétanque (法式滾球) is played is called a terrain. A game can be played in an open area such as a public park, where the boundaries of the terrain are not marked, or more formally on a “marked terrain” where the terrain boundaries are marked (traditionally, by strings tightly strung between nails driven into the ground). In pétanque (法式滾球), players throw while standing in a circle (cercle). Traditionally, this was simply scratched in the dirt. From around 2005, red plastic “prefabricated” circles were introduced and are now widely used in formal games. A circle drawn on the ground must be 35–50 cm (14–20 in) in diameter, while a plastic circle must have an inside diameter of 50 cm (20 in).
Generally speaking, a player throws a boule with one of two objectives: To make the boule come to rest in a particular spot, usually as close as possible to the jack. This is called pointing. To make the boule directly hit an opponent’s boule with the aim of knocking it away from the jack. This is called shooting.