芬蘭木柱 Mölkky
芬蘭木柱 Mölkky

起源於芬蘭 流行於法國、土耳其、日本
結合 保齡球 及 飛鏢 的創新運動
- 似保齡球的玩法,亦似飛鏢的計分法
- 體積輕巧,方便攜帶,適用於任何場地
- 融合運氣與技巧比賽競技
- 無體能限制,不需身體碰撞,可男女混合比賽

芬蘭木柱 Mölkky的介紹
芬蘭木柱 (Mölkky)是一種投擲式的運動, 而此運動同時需要參加者動用腦筋去制定策略和計數。 早在1996年已經出現,由芬蘭公司Lahden Paikka根據另一種在芬蘭有逾百年歷史的遊戲Kyykkä創作而成,芬蘭木柱 (Mölkky)也可以說是它的進化版。芬蘭木柱(Mölkky)這個字本身並不存在,是創作者的一個自創新詞,估計是參考了芬蘭詞語pölkky,意思為「一堆木頭」。
芬蘭木柱 (Mölkky)可以是認真的競技,作為國際比賽,也可以是大家隨意在任何「軟地」,例如沙地、草地或人造草皮上玩,變化多端,入門也相對容易,無論是大人或小朋友,甚至是用輪椅代步人士也可體驗當中樂趣。
芬蘭木柱 (Mölkky)可以是認真的競技,作為國際比賽,也可以是大家隨意在任何「軟地」,例如沙地、草地或人造草皮上玩,變化多端,入門也相對容易,無論是大人或小朋友,甚至是用輪椅代步人士也可體驗當中樂趣。
Mölkky(芬蘭木柱) is a Finnish throwing game invented by Lahden Paikka company (formerly known as Tuoterengas) in 1996. It is a fun combination of chance and skill that’s quick to learn and exciting to play. Take turns to throw the Mölkky skittle to try and knock over various numbered pins. The aim of the game is to score exactly 50 points. But watch out, if you get more than 50, your score will be knocked back down to 25!
Mölkky (芬蘭木柱) can be enjoyed in any outdoor space – from back garden to the local park. Play one-on-one or get a team together – the more the merrier! All ages and fitness levels are welcome. Mölkky (芬蘭木柱)does not require as much physical strength as kyykkä, and is more suitable for everyone regardless of age and condition. Success in Mölkky(芬蘭木柱) is based on a combination of chance and skill. Lahden Paikka has sold nearly 200,000 sets in Finland. There are more than 250 Mölkky(芬蘭木柱) Association over the world promoting the sports into the community. The Mölkky World Championship in 2016 was the first Mölkky(芬蘭木柱) competition organised outside of Finland. The tournament was organized in Le Rheu, France.
Mölkky (芬蘭木柱) can be enjoyed in any outdoor space – from back garden to the local park. Play one-on-one or get a team together – the more the merrier! All ages and fitness levels are welcome. Mölkky (芬蘭木柱)does not require as much physical strength as kyykkä, and is more suitable for everyone regardless of age and condition. Success in Mölkky(芬蘭木柱) is based on a combination of chance and skill. Lahden Paikka has sold nearly 200,000 sets in Finland. There are more than 250 Mölkky(芬蘭木柱) Association over the world promoting the sports into the community. The Mölkky World Championship in 2016 was the first Mölkky(芬蘭木柱) competition organised outside of Finland. The tournament was organized in Le Rheu, France.