流行於 日本及台灣
結合 閃避球(DODGEball) 及 飛盤(frisBEE)的創新運動
- 由尼龍、泡棉製造的躲避盤非常安全,不怕受傷
- 只需學會投擲及接盤,及簡單賽例已經可以進行比賽,容易上手
- 身體接觸少,因此亦適合男女混合比賽
- 運動員之間的體格差距不會影響很大 (例: 中學生跟小學生也可一起對賽)
- 場地限制少,比賽時間短而節奏快速,非常緊湊

躲避盤 Dodgebee 介紹
A Dodgebee (躲避盤) is a soft washable flying disc made with a nylon covered soft foam that is firm enough to hold its shape but still soft enough to throw and catch easily and safely.
The Dodgebee (躲避盤)disc is a recent invention that came from a simple idea. Make a durable but soft and safe flying disc for all ages that is easy to throw and catch. The game of Dodgebee came from searching for a creative way to use the disc.
Players and teachers quickly learned that the Dodgebee (躲避盤) was safer and more dynamic than a traditional dodge ball. The Dodgebee (躲避盤)is already wildly popular in Japan. Many schools use Dodgebee (躲避盤)regularly in their wellness classes and the game has been featured on television shows and even has its own National Championship tournament that hosts thousands of school children.
The official game of Dodgebee (躲避盤)is played with the use of a single Dodgebee disc. This promotes cooperative passing and strategies. Multiple Dodgebee discs of similar or different sizes may be used as an alternative play format.
Players are eliminated in the opposing team’s infield by either hitting them directly with a throw (any part of the body) and no catch is made (disc cannot touch the ground first) or they attempt a catch and drop the disc. Any in-fìeld player who is struck anywhere on his or her body (including the head) or drops the Dodgebee (躲避盤)must move immediately to their team’s out-freld. Players with a disc have as many as l0 seconds to pass it.
A Dodgebee (躲避盤) is a soft washable flying disc made with a nylon covered soft foam that is firm enough to hold its shape but still soft enough to throw and catch easily and safely.
The Dodgebee (躲避盤)disc is a recent invention that came from a simple idea. Make a durable but soft and safe flying disc for all ages that is easy to throw and catch. The game of Dodgebee came from searching for a creative way to use the disc.
Players and teachers quickly learned that the Dodgebee (躲避盤) was safer and more dynamic than a traditional dodge ball. The Dodgebee (躲避盤)is already wildly popular in Japan. Many schools use Dodgebee (躲避盤)regularly in their wellness classes and the game has been featured on television shows and even has its own National Championship tournament that hosts thousands of school children.
The official game of Dodgebee (躲避盤)is played with the use of a single Dodgebee disc. This promotes cooperative passing and strategies. Multiple Dodgebee discs of similar or different sizes may be used as an alternative play format.
Players are eliminated in the opposing team’s infield by either hitting them directly with a throw (any part of the body) and no catch is made (disc cannot touch the ground first) or they attempt a catch and drop the disc. Any in-fìeld player who is struck anywhere on his or her body (including the head) or drops the Dodgebee (躲避盤)must move immediately to their team’s out-freld. Players with a disc have as many as l0 seconds to pass it.