攻防箭 Archery Tag

攻防箭 Archery Tag

新發明的射箭運動,形式與野戰射擊(War Game)相似  
- 攻防箭所用的弓箭箭頭以海綿物料製造,對人射擊不會造成傷害

- 以弓箭射擊而淘汰對手,將對方靶上的目標打下或者將所有對手隊員淘汰獲勝

- 比賽過程不需要爭奪,身體接觸少,因此亦適合男女混合比賽

- 場地極具靈活性,可以因應參加人數可改變場地大小


攻防箭 Archery Tag 介紹

攻防箭(Archery Tag)為美國人John Jackson所發明的一種射箭運動,玩法類似於傳統的射箭比賽。攻防箭 (Archery Tag)所用的弓箭乃特別專利設計,可以對人射擊而不造成傷害,箭頭以海綿物料製造,故此被箭射中不會感到痛楚。所用的弓適合左右手使用,即使沒有射箭經驗亦能夠於數分鐘內掌握。



攻防箭(Archery Tag)的遊戲設計強調協作和團隊合作。比賽中需要團隊成員進行交流和溝通,制定策略,並在遊戲中互相幫助和支持。此外,在遊戲中加入障礙和限制,以激勵團隊成員通過協作和相互信任來解決問題和完成任務。
Archery tag (攻防箭) provides a fun and unique way for people of all ages to come together to enjoy archery. It is a unique sport that combines elements of dodgeball or other combat-type games with the timeless skills of archery. Players take aim at each other with our non-lethal arrows to score points or eliminate opposing team members. Our Archery Tag (攻防箭) 5-Spot Knock-Out Target adds an exciting dimension to game play.

All began with the arrow. While working on an archery product with a manufacturer, there was the idea of placing a foam tip on an arrow and shooting each other with it. Within an hour or so the first prototype was created and soon after John patented the “NON-LETHAL ARROW.” The arrow was improved, changes were made to an existing riser, and in early 2011 the official Archery Tag (攻防箭) equipment was introduced, and the sport of extreme archery was born!

There are three main types of game rules. They are recreational rules, league rules as well as tournament rules. Two teams, each consisting of 5 players, start at opposite ends of the arena and are separated by a “safe zone.” Both teams have a “5-Spot Knockout Target” and each game is 15 minutes long. The bows and arrows are placed in the middle of the arena. Each player must run, grab their bow and 4 arrows each to start the game.

Th players of Archery Tag (攻防箭) can eliminate the opponent by tagging the opponent with the arrow on any part of the body besides the head or catching his/her arrow. To win the game as a whole, the team needs to eliminate all the players on the opposing team, knock off all 5 discs on the opponent’s target and have fewer discs missing from the target.


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